Abhayarishtha is a classical Ayurvedic medicine, which is effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids, constipation and its related complications. It is laxative and carminative. It balance the Tridoshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha and effectively removes the AMA (toxins ) from body.
15-30 ml with equal amount of water twice a day or as directed by the physician
No known adverse effects as per prescribed dosage.
No absolute contraindications.
450 ml
Bhaskar Herbaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. is Nepal’s leading Ayurvedic medicine manufacturer. We are the manufacturer and marketers of the Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicines, Classical Herbal Medicines, Single Herbal Product, Herbal Extracts, and other forms of herbal products.
“We have pioneered the use of modern science to rediscover and validate Ayurveda’s secrets in Nepal.”
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