Revive Cap

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Revive capsule is the unique natural antioxidant composed of time tested herbs & possesses beneficially properties which are good for disorders associated with free radicals. It is combination of antioxidant and immunomodulator herbs.

Actions & Benefits:
  1. Possesses immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, antioxidant and rejuvenating properties
  2. Neutralize free radicals and prevents lipid peroxidation
  3. Useful in diabetic renopathy, cataracts, nephropathy and shows positive influence on the endocrine, cardiopulmonary & CNS
  4. Reduces blood glucose and inhibits over expression of angiogenic and inflammatory mediators
  • Cardiac disorders like Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Eye diseases like Cataract, Macular Degeneraon and Glaucoma
  • Aging process
  • Inflammatory and degenerative joint disorders

1 capsule twice a day or as directed by the physician.

Adverse Effects:

No known adverse effects.






Strip of 10 capsules.

  1. IJAPR | November 2015 | Vol 3 | Issue 11
  2. Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences Volume: 2, No.: 1, Year: 2016
  3. Phytother. Res. (2012)
  4. Int J Physiol Pathophysiol Pharmacol v.5(4); 2013
  5. Food and chemical toxicology: an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association 50(9):3126-32 · June 2012